Monday, May 22, 2006

Interesting Readers

I've been getting hits on my blog from people all around the world, including readers from the Netherlands, France, Spain and Japan. Here in the States, I have quite a few people who read me on a fairly regular basis, including someone from the University of Georgia and someone in South Dakota. Just thought I'd say "hi" and it'd be really nice if you could come out an introduce yourselves!

Oddly enough, the number one search people do to get to my site is "Sporticus". That just goes to show you how many of us have the hots for that guy!!


Anonymous said...

Your South Dakota reader is me... Lori (a.k.a. llynn20) from the old IF days. I've always thought you were an admirable woman and it's wonderful for me to get a glimpse at how far you've come. Best wishes always!

LeFemmeMonkita said...

Thank you Lori! It's nice to hear from you! I hope you and your family are doing wonderful!

Best wishes,