My cousin arrived here safely on Saturday, though he should have been here Friday night (he missed his connection from Toronto, no thanks to Air Canada). He loaded us up with a ten year supply of Milka chocolate which is pretty funny considering that Pa returned from Italy on Saturday and brought me a backpack loaded with Milka, too...I'm going to replace their spokescow if I attempt to devour the chocolate on my own (which, by the way, isn't THAT hard for me to do).
Let's see, for the most part, he's been doing the touristy stuff on his own. But on Sunday we went for a 40 minute run which took us through Fremont and on part of the Burke Gilman trail. This evening my cousin whipped up his specialty schnitzel which, I might add, is the best damn schnitzel I've ever had, hands down.
On Saturday, he and I are off to the Olympics to hike the Hoh River and Rain Forest, which, I hope, will be the highlight of his trip (well, that and seeing me of course!)
And how's Na throughout all this? Well, he scored himself not one but TWO soccer jerseys on Satuday: one being from Deutchland, of course and the other from Roma. Pa got to spend about 15 hours in Rome on his way home from his meeting--and even chose to stay awake all night to get as much in as he could. I have a feeling, though, he'll be back there again soon enough.

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