Mr. Na and I ran our first 5k this morning in honor of our six months home together. I'll admit, pushing 40 pounds in front of me was not as fun as running solo; but just as I was running out of steam and dreading the final hill, a woman on the sidewalk yelled, "you're so cool!"
The little guy made a few runners chuckle as he raised his arms in the air and said "go! go! go!" Despite my lag in time, I like my new little running buddy!
The Summerun, righty? Good thing it was on Sunday and not one blistering day earlier. Hard course, too, with those damned rolling hills - and pushing your sweet pea, I'm sure, made it that much harder. Anyway, congrats, and may this be the first of many more Mom+babe races to come.
Yep, the very one! Embarrassing moment came when I crossed the finish line wearing a 10k number (I only ran a 5k). Super Jock and Jill had run out of 5k numbers and so they gave me a 10k...and so they asked me "did you run a 5k?" and I said "yes". Had I said "no, I ran the 10k" I would have been the fourth female to finish the 10k! Feh--I'm too honest though!!!
Ha! And w/ baby, too! That, surely, would have set some kind of record...
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